


Through demand-side energy efficiency improvements in the residential, commercial, and government sectors of each country, the Promoting Energy Efficiency in the Pacific (Phase 2) will improve the efficiency with which consumers use power. The project is structured around four key activities:

  • Output 1: Stakeholder access to comprehensive information on energy use:

This output will complement the analysis carried out under phase 1 by conducting surveys to complete the picture of existing and projected appliance and equipment characteristics, patterns of use, and useful lifetimes. The main output will be an accessible database of energy use by sector and major appliance category in each country.

  • Output 2: Energy efficiency practices mainstreamed into government policies and procedures:

This output will involve (i) establishing practical and implementable energy efficiency targets and their incorporation into national energy policies and plans; (ii) suppressing sale and use of high-energy-consumption appliances and equipment through import regulations brought about by the development and enforcement of effective minimum energy performance standards and/or energy labeling; (iii) improving energy efficiency best practices for newly built residential, commercial, and government buildings, including the establishment of simple, effective, and enforceable energy efficiency provisions in building codes for new buildings; (iv) developing and implementing training programs for local experts in undertaking energy audits and in providing energy efficient products and services; and (v) supporting the development of motivated and organized service providers that have incentives to implement energy efficiency activities.

  • Output 3: Energy efficiency programs implemented effectively and sustainably:

As analyzed and piloted in phase 1, this output will involve a number of tangible implementation initiatives, including (i) upgrading street lighting using energy efficient and long-life technologies; (ii) providing energy efficient lighting systems to residential, commercial, and government buildings; (iii) undertaking energy audits in hotels and other nonresidential private buildings and subsequently implementing recommended improvements in air-conditioning, lighting, refrigeration, water heating, and management schemes; and (iv) undertaking energy audits and subsequently implementing recommended improvements in government buildings.

  • Output 4: Information dissemination and improved public awareness:

This output will include (i) disseminating information to public and private stakeholders on the benefits of energy-saving technologies and practices through public education programs, workshops, and media; and (ii) leveraging project benefits and information exchange beyond the participating Developing Member Countries using regional workshops, innovative information and communication technologies, and knowledge products in a usable format.