Asian Development Bank (ADB)
The Asian Development Bank is a regional development bank setup in 1966 with 67 members (48 regional members and 19 non-regional members). The bank has its headquarters in Manila, Philippines, with 26 country offices and representative offices in Tokyo, Frankfurt, and Washington, DC. With US$21.72 billion in approved financing in 2011, more than 2,900 employees from 59 countries, ADB in partnership with member governments, independent specialists and other financial institutions is focused on delivering projects that create economic and development impact.
International Institute for Energy Conservation (IIEC)
IIEC is a non-governmental (NGO), not-for-profit organization, which was established in 1984, to foster the implementation of energy efficiency in developing countries and countries in transition. IIEC has full time local staff in each of its offices that are well placed to contribute to programs due to their extensive exposure to energy, transport and environmental activities in the region and their understanding of cultural issues relevant to the countries. As an organization with proven technical capabilities, IIEC designs policies, implements programs, and supports institutions that mainstream energy efficiency in the entire value chain of energy systems and use. IIEC’ s approach focuses on implementation, resulting in policies developed in partnership with key policymakers and industry in our target countries as well as the bilateral and multilateral institutions that help to shape energy policy and investment priorities globally.
The IIEC – Thailand was selected as the Technical Assistant Consultants for the implementation of the PEEP2 Project.
Papua New Guinea Power Ltd (PPL)
PPL is the designated PEEP2 implementing agency for Papua New Guinea. It is a fully integrated, state-owned, power authority responsible for generation, transmission, distribution and retailing of electricity throughout Papua New Guinea and servicing individual electricity consumers.
PPL provides electricity to industrial, commercial, government and domestic sectors in urban areas. Where possible, the services extend to rural communities adjacent to these urban areas.
PPL is also undertaking a regulatory role on behalf of the Independent Consumer and Competition Commission (ICCC). These responsibilities include approving licenses for electrical contractors, providing certification for models of electrical equipment and appliances to be sold in the country and providing safety advisory services and checks for major installations.
Renewable Energy Development Department (REDD), Office of the Prime Minister – Cook Islands
REDD is the designated PEEP2 implementing agency for the Cook Islands. The Ministry of Energy, following the Energy Act 1998 and National Energy Policy 2003, was restructured in 2011 and established the Renewable Energy Development Department (REDD) within the Office of the Prime Minister. The regulatory functions of the Ministry of Energy remained with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Planning. During this same period the Government of the Cook Islands established its renewable energy goal. REDD is the primary responsible for the implementation of the government policy on Renewable Energy (RE) which aims to achieve 50% of total generation from RE by 2015 and 100% by 2020.
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment – Samoa
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) is the designated PEEP2 implementing agency for Samoa. MNRE is primarily involved in policies, plans and programs covering environmental issues and cross-sector sustainability initiatives. Its vision is to ensure sustainable development and management of Samoa’s natural resources and environment to ensure improved quality of life for Samoans.
Tonga Energy Roadmap Implementation Unit, Government of Tonga – Tonga
Tonga Energy Roadmap (TERM) Implementation Unit is the designated PEEP2 implementing agency for Tonga. The TERM objectives include increasing effective donor funding into the energy sector, provide an environment (public sector) that reduces electricity tariff in an economically sustainable manner and addresses environmental and energy security issues.
Energy Unit, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources – Vanuatu
The Energy Unit of the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources is the designated PEEP2 implementing agency for Vanuatu. The key objective of the Ministry is to oversee and manage land and natural resource developments, programs, plans and policies. The Energy Unit is responsible for identification, implementation, management and evaluation of energy projects, as well as monitoring petroleum and electrification activities in Vanuatu. The main objectives of the energy unit include promoting the use of local energy resources, ensure adequate, reliable and affordable energy supplies, and ensure supply of electricity in rural areas through funded projects.
Pacific Power Association (PPA)
The Pacific Power Association (PPA) is an inter-governmental agency and a member of the Council of Regional Organisations in the Pacific (CROP). PPA was established in Suva, Fiji in 1992 to promote cooperation among Pacific Island power utilities in technical training, exchange of information, sharing of senior management and engineering expertise and other activities of benefit to members. Its objective is to improve the quality of electric power in the region through cooperative efforts among the utilities, the private sector, CROP members, development assistance agencies and others.
Twenty five Pacific Island power utilities are members, including the utilities of the five Pacific DMCs participating in the project, who are all members of the PPA board of directors.